Exif Pilot version history

November 21 2024 :: Version 6.26.1
* Encoding error when exporting to MS Excel has been fixed.

November 12 2024 :: Version 6.26.0
+ The “Set Current Date Time” button has been added.

October 01 2024 :: Version 6.25.1
* Some bugs are fixed.

April 25 2024 :: Version 6.25.0
+ The “Save the value of the DateLastWrite file attribute” setting has been added.
+ The position of the “Enable/disable loading of Exif files of the current folder” button is recorded in the registry.

March 28 2024 :: Version 6.23.0
+ Added the ability to recursively crawl nested directories to change the values of Exif tags.

September 27 2023 :: Version 6.22.0
+ Displaying thumbnail images for ORF files has been added.

July 13 2023 :: Version 6.21.0
+ The Exif\CanonCameraSettings\CanonExposureMode tag has been added.

June 29 2023 :: Version 6.20.0
* The entry of the ShutterSpeed tag has been corrected.
* Help updated.

May 22 2023 :: Version 6.19.0
* The thumbnails display for the CR2 file has been fixed.

March 16 2023 :: Version 6.18.2
* Working with date and time formats in different localizations has been improved.

January 27 2023 :: Version 6.17.0
+ The ability to recursively crawl nested directories to export Exif information has been added.
+ The ability to import Exif information into files located in any directories has been added.

October 26 2022 :: Version 6.16.0
+ The ability to import multiline tags into a csv file has been added.
+ The ability to work with tags of the TiffFloat and TiffDouble types has been added.

August 12 2022 :: Version 6.15.0
+ Added the ability to copy the values of some tags to others from the command line.

July 21 2022 :: Version 6.14.1
+ The ability to record tags in the following sections: /Xmp/AdobeLightroom, DigiKamPhotoManagement, XMPDynamicMedia, MicrosoftPhoto, AdobePDF, PLUSLicenseDataFormat, iViewMediaPro has been added.
+ If the file format does not support writing Exif data, then the tag editing fields are read-only, and a corresponding warning is issued when trying to write.
* The operation of the “Customize 35mm equivalent” dialog box has been fixed.

June 28 2022 :: Version 6.13.0
+ Work with the OffsetTime, OffsetTimeOriginal, OffsetTimeDigitized tags has been added.
+ The thumbnail display algorithm has been improved.

June 20 2022 :: Version 6.12.0
+ The ability to save settings during Uninstall for use in future versions of Exif Pilot has been added.
+ The latest version of the Exiv2 library has been updated.
+ Reading Exif tags of CR3 format has been added.
+ Reading and writing Exif tags in Webp format has been added.
* Help updated.

June 03 2022 :: Version 6.11.1
* The error of saving the Template Export list has been fixed.
+ The Exif\CanonCameraSettings\Sharpness tag has been added.
* Changing tags by selecting from the list has been improved.
* Editing of the Exif\CanonCameraSettings\LensType tag has been fixed.

October 07 2021 :: Version 6.10.0
+ Tag editing on the “Photosphere” tab has been fixed.
+ The Help search has been added.
+ The ability to specify the file name when starting ExifPilot with the StartUpFolder parameter has been added.

September 17 2021 :: Version 6.9.1
+ The Xmp\IptcStandard\ tags recording algorithm has been added.
* The problem with GPS recording on Korean Windows OS is fixed.

September 14 2021 :: Version 6.8.0
+ The work with GPS coordinates depending on the regional settings has been improved.
+ Working with the Exif\Photo CompositeImage, CompositeImageCount, CompositeImageExposureTimes tags has been added.

September 09 2021 :: Version 6.7.0
+ Loading a folder with a large number of photos has been optimized.
+ A button to disable automatic loading of Exif data for all files in the folder has been added.

July 27 2021 :: Version 6.6.0
+ In the Edit Properties dialog box, on the Add New Tags tab, the XMP sections has been added.

June 22 2021 :: Version 6.5.0
+ The ability to make format floating point decimal numbers has been added.
* Help updated.

June 16 2021 :: Version 6.4.0
+ The ability to use the decimal separator format from the system settings has been added.
+ The ability to make format settings for GPS coordinate output has been added.

May 27 2021 :: Version 6.3.1
* The number of digits of GPS coordinates has been increased.
+ In the x32 version, import from .xlsb files was added.
+ In the x64 version, import from .xls files was added.

May 11 2021 :: Version 6.2.1
* The data import bug has been fixed.
+ A button to show the GPS coordinates of a photo on the map has been added.
* The bug saving keywords after editing has been fixed.

April 08 2021 :: Version 6.1.0
* The algorithm for writing Xmp tags has been improved.
* Entering parameter values in the XMP Dublin Core tab fixed.

March 09 2021 :: Version 6.0.2
* New registration codes.
* Encoding error when exporting to MS Excel has been fixed.

January 02 2021 :: Version 5.22.0
* Editing of _Exif_Photo_ExifVersion has been fixed.
* Some comments to time metadata have been corrected.

December 14 2020 :: Version 5.21.0
+ Editing and importing of _Iptc_Application_DigitizationTime tag has been added.
+ Editing and importing of _Xmp_Iptc4XmpExtension_PersonInImage tag has been added.

November 25 2020 :: Version 5.20.0
* The algorithm for writing Xmp tags has been improved.
* The bug of writing keywords after editing in the dialog box tab has been fixed.

November 06 2020 :: Version 5.19.2
+ Export considering “Synchronize with Custom Report” setting has been fixed.
* Bug with clearing Exif information has been fixed.

October 22 2020 :: Version 5.18.1
+ Editing and importing of _Xmp_XMPRightsManagement_Marked tag has been added.
+ Editing of _File_Main_DateCreation tag has been added.
+ The ability to copy the values of some tags to others has been added.

October 07 2020 :: Version 5.17.4
* A 64-bit version is now available!
+ The bug with saving the Keywords bucket list has been fixed.

July 30 2020 :: Version 5.16.0
* Parameter: “Writing UTF-8 encoded strings” has been added to the settings.

July 13 2020 :: Version 5.15.0
* Working with string tags has been improved.

July 03 2020 :: Version 5.14.0
+ Added tags File/Main/PixelWidth, PixelHeight.
* Some bugs are fixed.

June 08 2020 :: Version 5.13.0
* Bug displaying of Exif\Photo\UserComment tag has been fixed.
+ Edit of Exif\Image\XPTitle, XPComment, XPAuthor, XPKeywords, XPSubject tags has been added.

May 20 2020 :: Version 5.12.1
* The work with the command line has been improved.
+ Editing, importing, and exporting of Itpc/Envelop/CodedCharacterSet tag has been improved.
+ Preview image orientation has been changed according to the value of its Exif/Image/Orientation tag.

May 05 2020 :: Version 5.11.1
* The format for displaying numeric values has been improved.
* The work with rational type tags has been improved.

April 20 2020 :: Version 5.10.0
+ The work with IPTC/Application/Keywords has been improved.

April 6 2020 :: Version 5.9.0
+ File table update after import from XML, SCV, XLS formats has been added.
* Exporting tags in UCS2 encoding, such as /Exif/Image/XPComment, /Exif/Image/XPKeywords, has been fixed.
* An error with UTF-8 encoding of exported XML and CSV files has been fixed.
+ The ability to edit and delete XMP tags in the file properties dialog box has been added.

March 30 2020 :: Version 5.8.0
+ All tags are exported to MS Excel, unless the “Use template export” option is set.
The list of tags is determined based on the first exported file, in the mode “At the level of Tag-Names in the table”.
* Some bugs are fixed.

March 23 2020 :: Version 5.7.2
+ The ability to use the UTF-8 character set in file names has been added;
+ The ability to use the UTF-8 character set, when importing from XLS format, has been added;
* Some bugs are fixed.

March 16 2020 :: Version 5.6.0
+ The project interface has been switched to Unicode mode.
+ The ability to use the UTF-8 character set, when importing and exporting to CSV and XML formats, has been added.
+ The ability to use the UTF-8 character set, when exporting to XLS format, has been added.

March 9 2020 :: Version 5.5.1
+ Exporting Xmp tags to XML and XLS format has been added.
* Editing of Gps/VersionID, Altitude, Latitude, Longitude tags has been improved.
+ The [Enter] key has been added to open the property editing dialog box.

March 2 2020 :: Version 5.4.3
* Some bugs are fixed.

January 14 2019 :: Version 5.4
+ Added ability to clear/remove whole group of GPS tags.

May 10 2018 :: Version 5.3
+ Added support for .INSP files.

February 20 2018 :: Version 5.2
* Fixed bug displaying multiply keywords tag;
* Fixed bug with mismatching tags in the Dublin Core XMP metadata.

April 3 2017 :: Version 5.1
* Fixed bug with F1 hot key;
* Fixed bug with importing metadata from Excel files via command line.

February 27 2017 :: Version 5.0
+ Added ability to create/edit/delete Dublin Core XMP metadata.

January 3 2017 :: Version 4.13.3
* Fixed bug with full clearing XMP metadata.

December 29 2016 :: Version 4.13.2
* Fixed bug with adding XMP Pano metadata after any editing images.

December 19 2016 :: Version 4.13.1
* Fixed bug with rewriting all metadata after batch editing.

December 5 2016 :: Version 4.13
+ Added ability to embed Photo Sphere metadata for 360 photos and panoramas;
* Some small bugs are fixed.

November 16 2016 :: Version 4.12.1
~ Added alphabetical order for tags list;
* Fixed tags list in ‘Add new tags…’ dialog.

October 19 2016 :: Version 4.12
+ Added feature to delete specific tags;
* Fixed bug with editing string tags by double click in the properties pane.

September 5 2016 :: Version 4.11.1
* Fixed bug with add new tags of enum type;
* Fixed bug with clearing of EXIF/IPTC/XMP info functionality;
* Fixed bug with export for multiple tags (keywords, subject, etc.) to MS Excel;
* Fixed bug with template export for multiple tags (keywords, subject, etc.) to MS Excel, CSV.

July 18 2016 :: Version 4.11
+ Added ability to export/import program settings to/from file.

June 29 2016 :: Version 4.10
+ Added ability to edit, create, and delete multiple keywords;
* Fixed issue with resizing ‘Add new tags..’ dialog.

May 2 2016 :: Version 4.9.5
* Fixed bug with global capturing of hotkeys.

April 1 2016 :: Version 4.9.4
* Fixed bug with export to XML.

March 2 2016 :: Version 4.9.3
~ Added filter for non-filesystem items in folders tree.

February 24 2016 :: Version 4.9.2
* A small bug when application crashes after select a folder was fixed.

January 8 2016 :: Version 4.9.1
* A small bug with loading factor for 35mm equivalent in settings was fixed.

October 3 2015 :: Version 4.9
+ Added settings for delimeter(comma, space, or tab) for export/import to/from text file in CSV format;
+ Added time zone adjustment for editing Date Time, Date Time Original, and Date Time Digitized.

September 3 2015 :: Version 4.8.1
+ Added user-defined gps tags: PitchAngle and RollAngle;
+ Added more XMP tags;
+ Added XMPInfo section in export to XML;
* Fixed bug with pinned tab in property view panel;
* Fixed bug with adding new tags having rational values;
* Fixed bug with crash application when try to do editing metadata before selecting image file.

August 7 2015 :: Version 4.8
~ The user interface has been improved;
+ Added more support for view, edit, and create of EXIF makernotes tags;
* Fixed bug with read-only files editing;
+ Fixed bug with reading XMP tags;
* Some bugs are fixed.

October 10 2013 :: Version 4.7.2
* Some bugs were fixed.

April 16 2013 :: Version 4.7.1
* Some bugs are fixed.

April 5 2013 :: Version 4.7.0
~ The user interface is improved.
+ Added the ability to create and edit new tags.
* Some bugs are fixed.

March 5 2013 :: Version 4.6
+ Added the ability to create and edit several keywords in IPTC metadata;
* Some bugs are fixed.

January 31 2013 :: Version 4.5.1
* Some bugs are fixed.

January 29 2013 :: Version 4.5
+ Significantly improved support for view, edit, and create of EXIF makernotes tags;
+ Significantly improved support for view of XMP tags;
+ Added the ability to read metadata to Panasonic raw image (RW2);
+ Added the ability to write metadata to Minolta raw mages (ORF);
+ Added the ability to write metadata to Canon raw image (CR2);
+ Added the ability to read and write support for Samsung raw images (SRW);
+ Added the ability to read Postscript (EPS);
* Fixed bug with editing of DateTimeOriginal and DateTimeDigitized tags;
* Fixed bug with editing of GPS coordinates;
* Fixed bug with editing of UserComment tag.

June 26 2012 :: Version 4.4.1
* Some bugs are fixed.

July 4 2011 :: Version 4.4
+ Added the ability to edit and to create new tags;
* The import bug is fixed.

February 9 2011 :: Version 4.3
+ Added the ability to view, edit, and creat EXIF, EXIF GPS, IPTC, and XMP information in Windows Explorer;
+ The new type of export and import EXIF and IPTC data to MS Excel format were added. Now EXIF and IPTC information registers in a file in columns.

September 9 2010 :: Version 4.2.0
+ Added the ability clear only EXIF, only IPTC, only XMP;
+ Added the ability edit and create IPTC;
+ Added the ability to view, edit, and create new tags.

May 12 2010 :: Version 4.1.0
+ Added the ability copy EXIF or IPTC data to XMP data;
+ Added the ability copy XMP data to EXIF or IPTC data.

October 26 2009 :: Version 4.0
+ Added the ability to view XMP fields;
+ Added the ability to display custom tag names.

July 14 2009 :: Version 3.8
+ Increased a number of tags (including Makernote tags) for editing directly from the program;
+ Added the description of each tag.

June 2 2009 :: Version 3.7
+ Added a feature for writing rational numbers in seconds for GPS coordinates;
+ Added a feature for writing Photoshop PSD images;
* Some bugs were fixed.

February 18 2009 :: Version 3.6
+ Added the ability to edit and to create metadata for TIFF, NEF, CRW, DNG, PEF, JP2 and PNG. Now the program supports the following formats:
JPEG – read and write
TIFF – read and write
PNG – read and write
DNG – read and write
NEF – read and write
PEF – read and write
CRW – read and write
JP2 – read and write
CR2 – read
MRW – read
ARW – read
SR2 – read
ORF – read
RAF – read
PSD – read

January 12 2009 :: Version 3.5
* The export bug is fixed;
* A bug related to displaying longitude/latitude tags is fixed.

October 1 2008 :: Version 3.4
+ Added the ability to view Pentax makernote tags;
* Help updated.

May 13 2008 :: Version 3.3.1
– Some bugs are fixed.

March 31 2008 :: Version 3.3
+ Added the ability to customize export;
+ Improved the interface.

January 3 2008 :: Version 3.2
+ Added the ability export EXIF and IPTC to CSV format;
+ Added the ability import EXIF from CSV format.

November 7 2007 :: Version 3.1
+ Added the ability export EXIF and IPTC to MS Excel files.
+ Added the ability import EXIF from MS Excel files.

September 24 2007 :: Version 3.0.1
* Some bugs are fixed.

September 3 2007 :: Version 3.0
+ Added the ability to view Canon ModelID tags;
* The Clear EXIF Info function now works correctly.

August 1 2007 :: Version 2.2
* The directory tree at the left of the program window now collapses and expands correctly;
* Date and time sorting bugs are fixed.

May 16 2007 :: Version 2.0.10
* Some bugs are fixed.

May 14 2007 :: Version 2.0.9
* Some bugs are fixed.

May 10 2007 :: Version 2.0.8
* Improved presentation of MakerNote data;
+ Added an ImageDescription tag to the Edit dialog;
* Minor bugs corrected.

April 15 2007 :: Version 2.0.7
+ Added the ability to edit the EXIF GPS position data in three different formats: DMS, GPS, and DD;
+ Added editing of some IPTC fields;
+ Added the ability to delete any tags;
* Systems tags are now hidden as a default;
* Exit Pilot has been tested with the following operational systems: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista x32.

January 19 2007 :: Version 2.0.27
* Fixed bug with a early dates.

October 24 2006 :: Version 2.00
+ The EXIF-data mining algorithm is replaced by an advanced new algorithm;
+ The number of supported EXIF tags is increased;
* The XML schema for import and export is improved;
* The changes made to Exif information preserve image data;
* The changes made to Exif information preserve unknown Exif tags GUI is changed (improved).

June 9 2005 :: Version 1.6
+ Export Exif to XML;
+ Import Exif from XML;
+ Now you can delete all Exif information from a selected file(s).

March 15 2005 :: Version 1.5
+ Now you can add/subtract a certain amount of days to/from current time;
* Some bugs fixed.

February 4 2005 :: Version 1.4
+ Now you can edit the following properties: Camera Model, Camera Manufacturer, Title, Artist, Copyright, Description, Comment, Date Time, Date Time Original, Date Time Digitized;
+ Now you can add EXIF info to the JPG files that didn’t have it before;
+ Now you can edit properties of several selected files (batch editing);
+ Now you can take a bunch of images and set the time stamps of every one of them ahead or back a certain number of hours;
+ Now you can divide properties by groups.

September 3 2004 :: Version 1.0
+ Original version.


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