IPDFDocument3 :: Actions

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Creates an action that loads data from an FDF file into a PDF form.


LONG CreateImportDataAction (
BSTR fileName
Path to an FDF file

Return value
Index of the created action.


CreateImportDataAction creates a JavaScript action that allows users to load data into a predefined form in a PDF document from an external FDF file. The function creates a JavaScript action. The structure of an FDF file can be found in the Adobe PDF Reference (8.6.6 Forms Data Format).

The return value is an action identifier in the document's actions collection and can be used in AddControlToAction, OpenDocumentAction, PDFANNOTATION_OnBeforeFormatting, PDFANNOTATION_OnChange, PDFANNOTATION_OnKeyPress, PDFANNOTATION_OnSetFocus, PDFANNOTATION_OnLostFocus, PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseDown, PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseUp, PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseEnter, PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseExit, PDFANNOTATION_OnOtherControlChanged, PDFPAGE_SetAction, PDFANNOTATION_Action, PDFOUTLINENODE_Action.

The following example  demonstrates form data importing. You can download the FDF file used. (It is a ZIP archive containing the "import.fdf" file). You may unpack it and view it using any text editor.

Equivalent in new interface: IPDFDocument4::CreateImportDataAction.


Importing Form Data from an FDF File

[copy to clipboard]
{ PDF object is supposed to be created }
PDF.FileName := 'import_test.pdf';

e1 := PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Edit('field1', 20, 20, 120, 32);
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Text := 'some text';

e2 := PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Edit('field2', 140, 20, 240, 32);
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Text := 'other text';

c1 := PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Checkbox('check1', 250, 20, 262, 32);

b1 := PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Button('but1', 20, 60, 80, 80);
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Caption := 'Reset';
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseUp := PDF.CreateResetFormAction();

b2 := PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Button('but2', 100, 60, 160, 80);
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Caption := 'Import';
{ See Remarks section to view 'import.fdf' file }
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseUp := PDF.CreateImportDataAction('import.fdf');

[copy to clipboard]
// PDF object is supposed to be created
PDF->FileName = "import_test.pdf";

LONG e1 = PDF->PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Edit("field1", 20, 20, 120, 32);
PDF->PDFANNOTATION_Text = "some text";

LONG e2 = PDF->PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Edit("field2", 140, 20, 240, 32);
PDF->PDFANNOTATION_Text = "other text";

LONG c1 = PDF->PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Checkbox("check1", 250, 20, 262, 32);

LONG b1 = PDF->PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Button("but1", 20, 60, 80, 80);
PDF->PDFANNOTATION_Caption = "Reset";
PDF->PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseUp = PDF->CreateResetFormAction();

LONG b2 = PDF->PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Button("but2", 100, 60, 160, 80);
PDF->PDFANNOTATION_Caption = "Import";
// See Remarks section to view "import.fdf" file
PDF->PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseUp = PDF->CreateImportDataAction("import.fdf");

[copy to clipboard]
// PDF object is supposed to be created
PDF.FileName = "import_test.pdf";

long e1 = PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Edit("field1", 20, 20, 120, 32);
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Text = "some text";

long e2 = PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Edit("field2", 140, 20, 240, 32);
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Text = "other text";

long c1 = PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Checkbox("check1", 250, 20, 262, 32);

long b1 = PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Button("but1", 20, 60, 80, 80);
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Caption = "Reset";
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseUp = PDF.CreateResetFormAction();

long b2 = PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Button("but2", 100, 60, 160, 80);
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Caption = "Import";
// See Remarks section to view "import.fdf" file
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseUp = PDF.CreateImportDataAction("import.fdf");

Visual Basic
[copy to clipboard]
' PDF object is supposed to be created
PDF.FileName = "import_test.pdf"

e1 = PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Edit("field1", 20, 20, 120, 32)
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Text = "some text"

e2 = PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Edit("field2", 140, 20, 240, 32)
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Text = "other text"

c1 = PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Checkbox("check1", 250, 20, 262, 32)

b1 = PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Button("but1", 20, 60, 80, 80)
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseUp = PDF.CreateResetFormAction()

b2 = PDF.PDFPAGE_CreateControl_Button("but2", 100, 60, 160, 80)
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_Caption = "Import"
' See Remarks section to view "import.fdf" file
PDF.PDFANNOTATION_OnMouseUp = PDF.CreateImportDataAction("import.fdf")


See Also
