How to Create a PDF with PHP on a Web Server
Knowledge Base :: PDF Creator Pilot 4 Knowledge Base

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Once you have installed PDF Creator Pilot on your system it is available for use from PHP.

Create a new COM object.

$PDF = new COM("PDFCreatorPilot.PDFDocument4");

Set license data and adjust other properties:

$PDF->SetLicenseData("demo", "demo");
$PDF->Compression = 1; // coFlate

Fill your document with some data:

$fnt = $PDF->AddBuiltInFont(1, false, false);
$PDF->UseFont($fnt, 14);
$PDF->ShowTextAt(30, 30, "Hello from PHP!");

Then save it to disk,

$PDF->SaveToFile("hello.pdf", false);

or send it directly to an output stream.

$size = $PDF->GetBufferSize();
$buffer = $PDF->GetBuffer();
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.pdf");
header("Content-Length: $size");

// $PDF->GetBuffer() returns VARIANT with a type VT_ARRAY
// so we need to convert all its elements to chars.
foreach ($buffer as $byte)
  echo chr($byte);


Using PDF Creator Pilot in a PHP Page

[copy to clipboard]
  $PDF = new COM("PDFCreatorPilot.PDFDocument4") or die("Unable to load instance.");
  $PDF->SetLicenseData("demo", "demo");
  $PDF->Compression = 1; // coFlate
  $fnt = $PDF->AddBuiltInFont(1, false, false);
  $PDF->UseFont($fnt, 14);
  $PDF->ShowTextAt(30, 30, "Hello from PHP!");

  //// you may save document to disk:
  //$PDF->SaveToFile("hello.pdf", false);

  // or send it directly to user
  $size = $PDF->GetBufferSize();
  $buffer = $PDF->GetBuffer();
  header("Content-type: application/pdf");
  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.pdf");
  header("Content-Length: $size");

  // $PDF->GetBuffer() returns VARIANT with a type VT_ARRAY
  // so we need to convert all its elements to chars.
  foreach ($buffer as $byte)
    echo chr($byte);

  $PDF = null;

See Also
