LONG AddImageFromHandle ( OLE_HANDLE handle ) |
{ PDF object is supposed to be created } { OLE_HANDLE hImage is containing an image data } ind := PDF.AddImageFromHandle(hImage); PDF.ShowImage(ind, 0, 0); PDF.SaveToFile('test.pdf', true);
// PDF object is supposed to be created // OLE_HANDLE hImage is containing an image data long ind = PDF->AddImageFromHandle(hImage); PDF->ShowImage(ind, 0, 0); PDF->SaveToFile("test.pdf", true);
// PDF object is supposed to be created // Image img is an image loaded before. // get a handle for this picture Bitmap b = (Bitmap)img; IntPtr handle = b.GetHbitmap(); int h = handle.ToInt32(); // now load the picture into PDF int imgId = pdf.AddImageFromHandle(h); pdf.ShowImage(imgId, 1, 1); long ind = PDF.AddImageFromHandle(hImage); PDF.ShowImage(ind, 0, 0); PDF.SaveToFile("test.pdf", true);
' PDF object is supposed to be created ' OLE_HANDLE hImage is containing an image data ind = PDF.AddImageFromHandle(hImage) PDF.ShowImage ind, 0, 0 PDF.SaveToFile "test.pdf", true