IPDFDocument4 :: Images

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This method inserts a masked image from a file into a PDF document's image collection and returns the index of the image.


LONG AddImageWithColorMask (
BSTR fileName,
OLE_COLOR rgbColor
Path to the file containing an image

Color which marks points that need to be transparent

Return value
Index of the new image. If there is more than one image added, then the method returns the index of the most recently added image.


The rgbColor parameter is a double word (4 bytes) value in the format 0x00BBGGRR. The low-order byte contains a value for the relative intensity of red; the second byte contains a value for green; and the third byte contains a value for blue. The high-order byte must be zero.

The return value is an image identifier in the document's images collection and can be used in GetImageHeight, GetImageResolution, GetImageWidth, TransformImage, ShowImage, DrawImage.


How to Load an Image with a Color Mask

[copy to clipboard]
{ PDF object is supposed to be created }
clr := 255; { 255=x0000FF - red color }
ind := PDF.AddImageWithColorMask('picture.gif', clr);
PDF.ShowImage(ind, 0, 0);
PDF.SaveToFile('test.pdf', true);
[copy to clipboard]
// PDF object is supposed to be created
long clr = 255; //255=0x0000FF - red color
long ind = PDF->AddImageWithColorMask("picture.gif", clr);
PDF->ShowImage(ind, 0, 0);
PDF->SaveToFile("test.pdf", true);
[copy to clipboard]
// PDF object is supposed to be created
long clr = 255; //255=0x0000FF - red color
long ind = PDF.AddImageWithColorMask("picture.gif", clr);
PDF.ShowImage(ind, 0, 0);
PDF.SaveToFile("test.pdf", true);
Visual Basic
[copy to clipboard]
' PDF object is supposed to be created
clr = 255 '255=0x0000FF - red color
ind = PDF.AddImageWithColorMask("picture.gif", clr)
PDF.ShowImage ind, 0, 0
PDF.SaveToFile "test.pdf", true

See Also
