IPDFDocument4 :: Actions

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This method creates a JavaScript action in a PDF document.


LONG CreateJavascriptAction (
BSTR scriptContents
String containing JavaScript code

Return value
Number of the action


This method creates a JavaScript action. The specified script is compiled and executed by the JavaScript interpreter. Depending on the script, it can interact with the resulting document, such as updating form fields or changing the appearance. Check Adobe Technical Note #5186, "Acrobat Forms JavaScript Object Specification" for the JavaScript script subclass language details.

The return value is an action identifier in the document's actions collection and can be used in OnOpenDocumentOnControlMouseDown and other properties (see Annotations).


How to Create a JavaScript Action (an Alert Window) Associated with a Button

[copy to clipboard]
{ PDF object is supposed to be created }
btn1 := PDF.AddButton(20, 90, 65, 105, 'Btn1');
PDF.AnnotUnicodeCaption := 'Alert demo';
actionIndex := PDF.CreateJavascriptAction('app.alert("Hello.")');
PDF.OnControlMouseUp := actionIndex;
PDF.SaveToFile('test.pdf', true);
[copy to clipboard]
// PDF object is supposed to be created
long btn1 = PDF->AddButton(20, 90, 65, 105, "Btn1");
PDF->AnnotUnicodeCaption = L"Alert demo";
long actionIndex = PDF->CreateJavascriptAction("app.alert('Hello.')");
PDF->OnControlMouseUp = actionIndex;
PDF->SaveToFile("test.pdf", true);
[copy to clipboard]
// PDF object is supposed to be created
long btn1 = PDF.AddButton(20, 90, 65, 105, "Btn1");
PDF.AnnotUnicodeCaption = "Alert demo";
long actionIndex = PDF.CreateJavascriptAction("app.alert('Hello.')");
PDF.OnControlMouseUp = actionIndex;
PDF.SaveToFile("test.pdf", true);
Visual Basic
[copy to clipboard]
' PDF object is supposed to be created
btn1 = PDF.AddButton(20, 90, 65, 105, "Btn1")
PDF.AnnotUnicodeCaption = "Alert demo"
actionIndex = PDF.CreateJavascriptAction("app.alert('Hello.')")
PDF.OnControlMouseUp = actionIndex
PDF.SaveToFile "test.pdf", true

See Also
