IPDFDocument4 :: Annotations

See Also Example
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This property gets or sets the current annotation number.


LONG CurrentAnnotation { get; set; }
Number of the current annotation


The annotation number can be retrieved from any annotation or control creating method, such as AddButton or AddTextAnnotation.


Setting the Current Annotation (Control)

[copy to clipboard]
{ PDF object is supposed to be created }
b1 := PDF.AddButton(10, 10, 110, 25, 'b1');
b2 := PDF.AddButton(130, 10, 230, 25, 'b2');

PDF.CurrentAnnotation := b1;
PDF.AnnotName := 'Button1';
PDF.AnnotUnicodeCaption := 'Button 1';

PDF.CurrentAnnotation := b2;
PDF.AnnotName := 'Button2';
PDF.AnnotUnicodeCaption := 'Button 2';

PDF.SaveToFile('test.pdf', true);
[copy to clipboard]
// PDF object is supposed to be created
long b1 = PDF->AddButton(10, 10, 110, 25, "b1");
long b2 = PDF->AddButton(130, 10, 230, 25, "b2");

PDF->CurrentAnnotation = b1;
PDF->AnnotName = "Button1";
PDF->AnnotUnicodeCaption = L"Button 1";

PDF->CurrentAnnotation = b2;
PDF->AnnotName = "Button2";
PDF->AnnotUnicodeCaption = L"Button 2";

PDF->SaveToFile("test.pdf", true);
[copy to clipboard]
// PDF object is supposed to be created
long b1 = PDF.AddButton(10, 10, 110, 25, "b1");
long b2 = PDF.AddButton(130, 10, 230, 25, "b2");

PDF.CurrentAnnotation = b1;
PDF.AnnotName = "Button1";
PDF.AnnotUnicodeCaption = "Button 1";

PDF.CurrentAnnotation = b2;
PDF.AnnotName = "Button2";
PDF.AnnotUnicodeCaption = "Button 2";

PDF.SaveToFile("test.pdf", true);
Visual Basic
[copy to clipboard]
' PDF object is supposed to be created
b1 = PDF.AddButton(10, 10, 110, 25, "b1")
b2 = PDF.AddButton(130, 10, 230, 25, "b2")

PDF.CurrentAnnotation = b1
PDF.AnnotName = "Button1"
PDF.AnnotUnicodeCaption = "Button 1"

PDF.CurrentAnnotation = b2
PDF.AnnotName = "Button2"
PDF.AnnotUnicodeCaption = "Button 2"

PDF.SaveToFile "test.pdf", true

See Also
