IPDFDocument4 :: General document management

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Methods and properties for managing fonts: 

AddFont This method adds a system font using the specified font face, font style, and character set and returns a font identifier.
AddFontFromFile This method adds a font from a file using the specified character set and font style and returns a font identifier.
AddBuiltInFont This method adds one of 14 built-in fonts using the font style specified.
FontEmbedStyle This property gets or sets the style for embedded fonts in the current document.
GetFontCount This method gets the number of fonts used in the PDF document.
GetFontDataSize This method gets the size (in bytes) of the font data.
GetFontData This method gets an array of bytes representing the specified font data.
GetFontName This method gets the string containing the name of the font with the specified number.
SaveFontToFile This method saves the specified font's data to a file.

See Also
