IPDFDocument4 :: General document management

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Methods and properties for working with metafiles:

GetDCResolution This method returns the resolution (in DPI) of the PDF document's device context.
GetDC This method gets the handle of the device context (HDC) of a PDF document for EMF drawing functions.
OffsetXForDC This property retrieves the horizontal offset for the virtual DC contents on the PDF page.
OffsetYForDC This property retrieves the vertical offset for the virtual DC contents on the PDF page.
PrinterNameForDC This property gets or sets the name of the printer to use for virtual device context (DC) creation.
ScaleXForDC This property retrieves the horizontal scale factor for the virtual DC contents on the PDF page.
ScaleYForDC This property retrieves the vertical scale factor for the virtual DC contents on the PDF page.
UseScreenBasedDC This property gets or sets the value indicating whether to use the screen DC for EMF drawings or not.
FlushDC This method moves data from a device context (DC) into a PDF.

See Also
