IPDFDocument4 :: General document management :: Metafiles

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This property gets or sets the name of the printer to use for virtual device context (DC) creation.


BSTR PrinterNameForDC { get; set; }
String containing the printer name


Using the Device Context

[copy to clipboard]
{ PDF object is supposed to be created }
PDF.SetLicenseData('demo', 'demo');
PDF.UseScreenBasedDC := false;
PDF.PrinterNameForDC := 'Microsoft Office Document Image Writer';

{ use standard GDI drawing functions: }
Rectangle(PDF.GetDC(), 10, 10, 200, 200);

PDF.SaveToFile('test.pdf', true);
[copy to clipboard]
// PDF object is supposed to be created
PDF->SetLicenseData("demo", "demo");
PDF->UseScreenBasedDC = false;
PDF->PrinterNameForDC = "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer";

// use standard GDI drawing functions:
Rectangle(PDF->GetDC(), 10, 10, 200, 200);

PDF->SaveToFile("test.pdf", true);
[copy to clipboard]
// PDF object is supposed to be created
PDF.SetLicenseData("demo", "demo");
PDF.UseScreenBasedDC = false;
PDF.PrinterNameForDC = "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer"

// use standard GDI drawing functions:
Rectangle(PDF.GetDC(), 10, 10, 200, 200);

PDF.SaveToFile("test.pdf", true);
Visual Basic
[copy to clipboard]
' PDF object is supposed to be created
PDF.SetLicenseData "demo", "demo"
PDF.UseScreenBasedDC = False
PDF.PrinterNameForDC = "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer"

// use standard GDI drawing functions:
Rectangle PDF.GetDC, 10, 10, 200, 200

PDF.SaveToFile "test.pdf", true

See Also
