HRESULT SaveToFile ( BSTR name, VARIANT_BOOL autolaunch ) |
{ PDF object is supposed to be created } PDF.SetLicenseData('demo', 'demo'); { Here we create our document and fill its contents. } PDF.ShowText('Hello, World!'); PDF.SaveToFile('test.pdf', false);
// PDF object is supposed to be created PDF->SetLicenseData("demo", "demo"); // Here we create our document and fill its contents. PDF->ShowText("Hello, World!"); PDF->SaveToFile("test.pdf", false);
// PDF object is supposed to be created PDF.SetLicenseData("demo", "demo"); // Here we create our document and fill it's contents. PDF.ShowText("Hello, World!"); PDF.SaveToFile("test.pdf", false);
' PDF object is supposed to be created PDF.SetLicenseData "demo", "demo" ' Here we create our document and fill it's contents. PDF.ShowText "Hello, World!" PDF.SaveToFile "test.pdf", false