IPDFDocument4 :: Page Operations

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Page operation text methods and properties:

GetCurrentTextX This method returns the X coordinate of the current text position.
GetCurrentTextY This method returns the Y coordinate of the current text position.
GetTextHeight This method gets the height (in pixels) of the specified string.
GetTextWidth This method gets the width (in pixels) of the specified string.
GetUnicodeTextHeight This method gets the height (in pixels) of the specified unicode string.
GetUnicodeTextWidth This method gets the width (in pixels) of the specified unicode string.
GetTextDirection This method gets the direction of text showing for the current PDF page.
SetTextDirection This method sets the direction of text for the current PDF page.
SetCharacterSpacing This method sets the space between characters.
SetTextHorizontalScaling This method sets the horizontal scaling factor.
SetTextPosition This method sets the new text position.
SetTextRenderingMode This method sets the text rendering mode.
SetTextRise This method sets the text rise value.
SetWordSpacing This method sets a space between words.
ShowText This method draws a text line in a PDF document starting from the current text position.
ShowTextAligned This method draws wrapped text bounded by a rectangle.
ShowTextAt This method draws text in a PDF document starting from a specified position.
ShowTextLines This method draws wrapped text bounded by a rectangle.
ShowTextParagraph This method draws a text paragraph.
ShowUnicodeText This method draws a text line in a PDF document starting from the current text position.
ShowUnicodeTextAligned This method draws wrapped text bounded by a rectangle.
ShowUnicodeTextAt This method draws text in a PDF document starting from a specified position.
ShowUnicodeTextLines This method draws wrapped text bounded by a rectangle.
ShowUnicodeTextParagraph This method draws a text paragraph.
TextAngle This property gets or sets the angle to which the text is rotated.
UseFont This method sets the new font for text output.
UseFont2 This method sets the new font for text output.

See Also
