Viewer preferences
IPDFDocument4 :: General document management

See Also
Collapse All

Properties for managing viewer preferences:

CenterWindow This property gets or sets the value indicating whether the PDF reader should center the document on the screen.
FitWindow This property gets or sets the value indicating whether to resize the document's window to fit the size of the first displayed page.
HideViewerMenuBar This property gets or sets the value indicating whether the PDF reader should hide a menu.
HideViewerToolBar This property gets or sets the value indicating whether the PDF reader should hide tool bars.
HideViewerUI This property gets or sets the value indicating whether the PDF reader should hide all user interface elements, except navigation elements.
InitialZoom This property gets or sets the zoom level to use when the document is opened.
InitialZoomPercent This property gets or sets the zoom level (as a percentage) to use when the document is opened.
ViewerMode This property gets or sets viewing modes when the document is opened.
ViewerPageLayout This property gets or sets the value indicating the layout of the document when opened.

See Also
