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This sample shows how to use Go-To Remote actions. Go-To Remote action represents an action which goes to a destination in another document. Using methods and properties of PDFGoToRemoteAction class you can specify a target document, index of page to be shown as the result of the action. Also you can determine boolean value specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window.
The below is c# example for using GoTo Remote action in PDF file:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using PDFMosaic; namespace AddGoToRemoteAction { class AddGoToRemoteAction { static void Main() { PDFDocument pdf = new PDFDocument(); pdf.Pages.Add(new PDFPage(PDFPaperFormat.A4)); string fileName = @"test.pdf"; PDFGoToRemoteAction actionNewWnd = new PDFGoToRemoteAction(fileName, 2, true); PDFGoToRemoteAction actionNotNewWnd = new PDFGoToRemoteAction(fileName, 2, false); PDFPushButton button1 = new PDFPushButton(20, 40, 120, 25, "btn_new_wnd"); button1.Caption = "Go to a destination in another document in the new window"; button1.OnActivated = actionNewWnd; button1.Font.Size = 8; PDFPushButton button2 = new PDFPushButton(20, 80, 120, 25, "btn_not_new_wnd"); button2.Caption = "Go to a destination in another document in the same window"; button2.OnActivated = actionNotNewWnd; button2.Font.Size = 8; pdf.Pages[0].Annotations.Add(button1); pdf.Pages[0].Annotations.Add(button2); pdf.Save("AddGoToRemoteAction.pdf", true); } } }
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