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This sample shows how to use text fields in your PDF document.
Use PDFEditBox class to add a text field.
using PDFMosaic; using System; namespace Buttons { class TextFields { static void Main() { PDFDocument document = new PDFDocument(); PDFPage page = new PDFPage(PDFPaperFormat.A4); PDFEditBox edit1 = new PDFEditBox(20, 40, 100, 25, "edit1"); edit1.Text = "Simple text"; PDFEditBox edit2 = new PDFEditBox(20, 70, 100, 25, "edit2"); edit2.Text = "password"; edit2.BorderStyle = PDFBorderStyle.Dashed; edit2.Password = true; PDFEditBox edit3 = new PDFEditBox(20, 100, 100, 50, "edit3"); edit3.Multiline = true; edit3.Font.Size = 8; edit3.Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over, the lazy dog."; page.Annotations.Add(edit1); page.Annotations.Add(edit2); page.Annotations.Add(edit3); document.Pages.Add(page); document.Save("TextFields.pdf", true); } } }
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