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This sample shows how to use buttons, editboxes, checkboxes, comboboxes in your PDF document.
C# :
using PDFMosaic; using System; namespace PDFForm { class PDFForm { static void Main(string[] args) { PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(); PDFPage page = new PDFPage(PDFPaperFormat.A4); PDFPushButton button = new PDFPushButton(10, 40, 100, 30, "btn1"); button.Caption = "Button"; page.Annotations.Add(button); PDFCheckBox checkBox = new PDFCheckBox(10, 100, 20, 20, "checkBox"); checkBox.Checked = true; page.Annotations.Add(checkBox); PDFComboBox comboBox = new PDFComboBox(10, 200, 100, 20, "comboBox"); comboBox.BackgroundColor = new PDFColorRGB(0, 255, 0); comboBox.Font.Size = 8; comboBox.Editable = true; comboBox.Text = "Editable combo box"; comboBox.Items.Add("First item"); comboBox.Items.Add("Second item"); page.Annotations.Add(comboBox); PDFEditBox edit = new PDFEditBox(20, 300, 100, 50, "edit"); edit.Multiline = true; edit.Font.Size = 8; edit.Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over, the lazy dog."; page.Annotations.Add(edit); doc.Pages.Add(page); doc.Save("PDFForms.pdf", true); } } }
Visual Basic :
Imports PDFMosaic Imports System Module PDFForms Sub Main() Dim document As New PDFDocument() Dim page As New PDFPage(PDFPaperFormat.A4) Dim button As New PDFPushButton(10, 40, 100, 30, "btn") button.Caption = "Button" page.Annotations.Add(button) Dim checkBox As New PDFCheckBox(10, 100, 20, 20, "checkBox") checkBox.Checked = True page.Annotations.Add(checkBox) Dim comboBox As New PDFComboBox(10, 200, 100, 20, "comboBox") comboBox.BackgroundColor = New PDFColorRGB(0, 255, 0) comboBox.Font.Size = 8 comboBox.Editable = True comboBox.Text = "Editable combo box" comboBox.Items.Add("First item") comboBox.Items.Add("Second item") page.Annotations.Add(comboBox) Dim edit As New PDFEditBox(20, 100, 300, 50, "edit") edit.Multiline = True edit.Font.Size = 8 edit.Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over, the lazy dog." page.Annotations.Add(edit) document.Pages.Add(page) document.Save("PDFForms.pdf", True) End Sub End Module
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