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This sample illustrates how to print a PDF document using the default printer. (The process is similar for any other specified printer.) You can use PDF Creator Pilot’s printing functionality independent of on any third party components.
For printing a PDF document with the help of PDF Creator Pilot, use the DrawPageToDC method. This method draws a specified PDF page to a device context. The method takes the following 5 parameters:
Handle of the device context
Number of target page
Horizontal zoom
Vertical zoom
Draw controls
So, to print the PDF document on the printer, you need to get the device context of the printer and then call the DrawPageToDC method with the specified parameters.
Below you can download samples, demonstrating how to print a PDF document in C++, C#, and VB.Net.
Download Sample Code
- Print a PDF document using C/C++ (35Kb)
- Print a PDF document using C# (17Kb)
- Print a PDF document using VB.NET (23Kb)
PDF Creator Pilot: Home Download Features Tutorials FAQ Pricing News