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HTML-to-PDF conversion with JavaScript
' Create HTML2PDF instance: Set html2pdf_obj = CreateObject("html2pdfx.HTML2PDFX") ' Initiate engine: html2pdf_obj.StartHTMLEngine "demo", "demo" ' Set PDF filename: html2pdf_obj.OutputFileName = "JavaScript_sample.pdf" ' Set page margins: html2pdf_obj.MarginLeft = 40 html2pdf_obj.MarginRight = 40 html2pdf_obj.MarginTop = 30 html2pdf_obj.MarginBottom = 50 html2pdf_obj.DocumentTitle = "Example of using JavaScript" html2pdf_obj.BeginDoc ' Rescale content to fit page: html2pdf_obj.ContentZoomFactor = 70 ' Define base URL for resolving relative links: html2pdf_obj.BaseURL = "https://www.colorpilot.com/" ' Load URL: html2pdf_obj.LoadURL "https://www.colorpilot.com/support" html2pdf_obj.RunJavaScript "document.getElementsByName('name')[0].value = 'John Watson';" &_ "document.getElementsByName('email')[0].value = 'john@watson.com';" &_ "document.getElementsByName('idorder')[0].value = '1234567890';" &_ "document.getElementsByName('message')[0].value = 'I have a question...';" &_ "document.getElementsByName('product')[0].selectedIndex = 30;" &_ "document.getElementsByName('os')[0].selectedIndex = 1;" ' Perform conversion: html2pdf_obj.ConvertAll ' Draw supporting text and figures: html2pdf_obj.FillingColor = "transparent" html2pdf_obj.PenColor = "red" html2pdf_obj.PenWidth = 4 html2pdf_obj.DrawRoundedRect 70, 280, 255, 95, 10, 10, 0 html2pdf_obj.PenColor = "blue" html2pdf_obj.FontPointSize = 9 html2pdf_obj.DrawText 340, 320, 400, 200, "alignleft aligntop", "HTML2PDF-X has filled this form", 1, 1, 0 html2pdf_obj.EndDoc Set html2pdf_obj = nothing CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "JavaScript_sample.pdf"
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