Perspective correction of an architectural block

If you make photos of architectural buildings or rectangular pieces of architecture, our Perspective Pilot will help you to fix the perspective.

One of our users writes:

“I am from the U.S. and am currently in Egypt photographing walls of Karnak Temple. I will be using perspective correction to display the walls without distortion for a book I am writing.”
Bill Petty, author of book
“Hieroglyphic Dictionary”

Below is a photo of a block – an example that Bill sent to us to illustrate his work:

Perspective correction of an architectural block - original photo

Here is how to correct the perspective of the block in Perspective Pilot

1. Open the image in Perspective Pilot. Select the “Perspective correction on reference lines” tool. Make sure the “Auto Cropping” radiobutton is active.

Correcting perspective in Perspective Pilot: make sure the “Auto Cropping” radiobutton is active

2. Draw a line along the left vertical bar of the block:

Draw a line along the left vertical bar of the block

The program will rotate the image accordingly:

Perspective Pilot will rotate the image accordingly

3. Draw a line along the right vertical bar of the block:

Draw a line along the right vertical bar of the block


Result of Perspective correction

4. Now, we have to restore proportions. Choose the “Resize” tool. Uncheck “Lock aspect ratio”. Change the “Width” value:

Make settings to restore proportions

5. Click “Ok” to resize. Result:

Result of perspective correction of an architectural block

Watch this example as video

(we recommend using full screen mode)


Perspective Pilot – main page