How to Get Our Photo Programs Working as Plug-ins

The following photo programs can be used as plug-in versions in your main photo editor:

Installation programs as Adobe Photoshop plugins

The plug-in is installed automatically in Adobe Photoshop. You can run the plug-in from the Filter | Two Pilots… menu.

If the plug-in does not appear in the Filter menu, copy the *.8bf file to the Adobe Photoshop plug-ins folder (typically, “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 6.0\Plug-Ins\”).

If you don’t need the program to work as a plug-in, uncheck the “Adobe Photoshop” checkbox.


Installation programs as plugins in Photoshop x64 edition

There are two ways to add a plugin to Photoshop 64-bit:

  1. Copy the Pilot plugin file (for example, RetouchPilotPlugin64.8bf) from the plugin folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Retouch Pilot) to the Photoshop->Plug-ins folder ( C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop SC4\Plug-ins). Restart Photoshop.
  2. In the Photoshop menu, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Plug-Ins. Click the Additional Plug-Ins. Folder option and paste the link into the Pilot plugin folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Retouch Pilot). Restart Photoshop.

Your Pilot plugin should appear in the Photoshop Filter list.


Please see more details on how to install the program as a plug-in for:


How to install the program as a plugin for other photo editors

For other photo editors, copy the *.8bf file to the plug-ins folder or specify its location. The *.8bf file is located in the “C:\Program Files\Two Pilots\Photo Plugins” folder.


Using the plug-in

When the plug-in starts, a window with the image opens. After editing the image, click “OK” on the tools panel to transfer the edited image to the main program, or click “Cancel” to close the plug-in window and cancel your changes.