Type Pilot allows you to autofill login and password on websites.
For example, you need to fill in this form every time you visit the site.
You need to enter your username, press TAB, and enter your password. This is too many movements. With Type Pilot, you can fill in this online form just by typing only a single short word, without the need to memorize the password.
Create a new phrase and enter the value for the Name field.
In the Edit Phrase window, go to Insert | Keystroke and select Tab to tell Type Pilot to “press” the TAB button for you.
#keystroke:TAB# is inserted automatically into your phrase.
Now, enter your password. You get the following:
Define a keyword for this phase at the bottom of the window, for example, lpform), and click OK.
Now, if you just enter lpform into the Name field of your form, the software enters data in both fields automatically:
This is how autofill login and password works.