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Our Virtual Printer Driver is designed in accordance with the requirements of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems. It has been tested and works in the original configuration of the above operating systems.
If the driver environment is changed, the operation of our Virtual Printer Driver is not guaranteed. Therefore, before purchasing the driver, you need to test its work in the environments you/your customers are going to use it.
Problems can occur, for example, due to:
- restrictions on access to registry records,
- incorrect settings of environment variables,
- conflicts with other installed programs, drivers and services.
Please have in mind that identifying the causes of such problems and solving them is the task of the system administrator serving your users computers.
Before purchasing the Virtual Printer Driver, please test the demo version of the virtual printer with the participation of your system administrator.
Technical Support for our Virtual Printer Driver is a standalone service. Please note that we cannot guarantee to fix each and every bug. We will make every reasonable effort to fix errors, but sometimes it is not possible or requires a long period of time.
See also:
- Virtual Printer Driver License Agreement…
- Virtual Printer Driver – Legal and Copyright Notices…
- Virtual Printer Driver Source Code – Development and License Agreement…
- Virtual Printer Driver Source Code – Development and License Agreement
(with permission to distribute the source code)…
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