Customize Export – How to Choose Tags for Export EXIF and IPTC

Choose Tags for Export EXIF

You may assign the tags which should be exported. To define the rules for exporting, you create a pattern and then use that template to produce the resulting file. Thus, the file will contain only the EXIF information that you specify. For example, you can specify exporting only EXIF GPS coordinates or only IPTC information.

To create an export template:

1. Select “Import/Export”->”Create Template for Export” from the main menu.

Create an export template for export EXIF

2. On the “Customize Export” tab you can define your own template.

First, check a box opposite “Use Template Export” to use the template to export (1).

Second, select the tags you want to export (2).

Select the tags for export EXIF

3. A template can have a comment. Templates can be saved to a text file or loaded from a file created earlier. After creating a template, you can export EXIF to a file.

4. Uncheck “Use Template Export” to be able to export all of the available EXIF information again.

EXIF export settings


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