IPDFDocument4 :: Page Operations

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Page operation graphics methods:

AlternateClip This method sets the current path as a clipping boundary using an even-odd rule.
AlternateFill This method fills a path with color using an even-odd rule.
AlternateFillAndStroke This method fills a path with color and strokes the path using an even-odd rule.
Clip This method sets the current path as a clipping boundary using a non-zero winding number rule.
ClosePath This method closes the created path.
DrawAngleArc This method creates an elliptically curved path between angles.
DrawAnglePie This method creates an elliptical pie-shaped path between angles.
DrawArc This method creates an elliptically curved path between points.
DrawArcTo This method creates an elliptically curved path between points.
DrawCircle This method creates a circular path.
DrawCurveTo This method creates a Bézier cubic curve segment.
DrawEllipse This method creates an elliptical path.
DrawImage This method draws an image in a PDF document.
DrawLineTo This method creates a line path.
DrawPie This method creates an elliptical pie-shaped path between points.
DrawRectangle This method creates a rectangular path.
DrawRoundRectangle This method creates a rectangular path with rounded corners.
Fill This method fills a path with color using a non-zero winding number rule.
FillAndStroke This method fills a path with color and strokes the path using a non-zero winding number rule.
GetCurrentX This method gets the X coordinate of the graphical current path position.
GetCurrentY This method gets the Y coordinate of the graphical current path position.
InPath This method gets the value indicating if the current page is in path mode.
MoveTo This method moves the current point to a new position.
ResetPath This method resets the current path and initializes a newly created path.
RotateCoords This method rotates the graphics coordinate system counterclockwise to the angle specified.
ScaleCoords This method scales PDF document page coordinates.
SetFlatness This method configures the flatness error tolerance.
SetLineCapStyle This method configures the line end style for an open sub-path.
SetLineDash This method provides pattern control of dashes and gaps.Examples of line dash patterns:
SetLineJoinStyle This method configures the line join style.
SetLineWidth This method configures the line path width.
SetMiterLimit This method configures the miter length.
ShowImage This method draws an image in a PDF document.
SkewCoords This method skews the coordinates to the angles specified.
Stroke This method flushes the current path using a non-zero winding number rule.
TranslateCoords This method shifts the PDF document page coordinates.
AddTable This method adds a table into a PDF document's tables collection and returns the index of the added table.
ShowTable This method draws a table in a PDF document.

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