
See Also
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Methods for outline management: 

AddOutlineAfter This method adds a new tree node to a tree of the outline items after the specified node (the previous sibling) along with an ASCII title.
AddOutlineBefore This method add a new tree node to a tree of the outline items before the specified node (the next sibling) along with an ASCII title.
AddOutlineChild This method adds a new tree node as a child of the specified outline node along with an ASCII title.
AddUnicodeOutlineAfter This method adds a new tree node to a tree of the outline items after the specified node (the previous sibling) along with a unicode title.
AddUnicodeOutlineBefore This method adds a new tree node to a tree of the outline items after the specified node (the previous sibling) along with a unicode title.
AddUnicodeOutlineChild This method adds a new tree node as a child of the specified outline node along with a unicode title.
DeleteOutline This method deletes either a specified node from an outline tree or only its children.
GetNextOutline This method returns the next node in the outline, including any child nodes.
GetNextSiblingOutline This method returns the next node on the same level.
GetOutlineAction This method gets an action of the current node.
GetOutlineChild This method returns the child node specified by the index provided.
GetOutlineChildCount This method gets the number of direct descendants of a specified node.
GetOutlineCount This method gets the number of nodes in the outline tree.
GetOutlineFirstChild This method returns the first child node of a specified node.
GetOutlineLastChild This method returns the last child node of a specified node.
GetOutlineUnicodeTitle This method gets the unicode text label of the specified node.
GetPrevOutline This method returns the previous node in the order, including any child nodes.
GetPrevSiblingOutline This method returns the previous node on the same level.
GetRootOutline This method gets a "root node" number.
IsOutlineExpanded This method gets the value indicating if the node subtree is expanded.
RemoveOutlines This method clears the outline tree.
SetOutlineAction This method sets an action for the specified node.
SetOutlineExpanded This method sets the value indicating if the specified node subtree is expanded.
SetOutlineTitle This method sets the ASCII text label of the specified node.
SetOutlineUnicodeTitle This method sets the unicode text label of the outline node.

See Also
