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Once you have installed PDF Creator Pilot on your system, it is available for use from Python.
This sample demonstrates how to use PDF Creator Pilot with Python to create and edit PDF documents.
You need to import the win32com.client library to be able to work with COM.
Example: Creating and Editing PDF with Python
import sys import win32com.client PDF = win32com.client.Dispatch("PDFCreatorPilot.PDFDocument4") PDF.SetLicenseData("demo", "demo") PDF.Compression = 1 ## you may open an existing PDF, provide password if needed PDF.Open("first.pdf", "") ## you may change document properties oldTitle = PDF.UnicodeTitle print "Old title is '" + oldTitle + "'" PDF.UnicodeTitle = u"-=[ my new title ]=-" ## you may add a new page PDF.NewPage() fnt = PDF.AddBuiltInFont(1, 0, 0) PDF.UseFont(fnt, 14) PDF.ShowTextAt(30, 30, "This page came from Python.") ## you may append an existing PDF, provide password if needed PDF.Append("second.pdf", "") ## save and open it in default PDF viewer PDF.SaveToFile("test.pdf", 1)
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