Key features of the PDF Creator Pilot library

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This PDF library can create, open, merge or otherwise manipulate PDF files. You can use the PDF library’s commands as well as WinApi functions. PDF Creator Pilot uses ActiveX (also known as COM) technology; so you can use the library from any programming language that can use ActiveX components. PDF security, font embedding, different font charsets, document compression are also supported.

Main features:

✓ Extended set of methods and properties for easy PDF file generation;
✓ Reading and merging existing PDF documents;
✓ Adding and deleting PDF document’s pages;
✓ Unicode support;
✓ Creating watermarks for each page;
✓ Adding thumbnails for a PDF document;
✓ Using and embedding fonts in different formats (TrueType, TrueType Collection, OpenType, Type1);
✓ Full support for Eastern European, Turkish, Baltic, Russian, Greek, and CJK, such as Japanese, Korean, and so forth, character sets;
✓ Creating interactive PDF documents using JavaScript and Hyperlinks;
✓ Support for interactive AcroForm elements: text input fields, buttons, radio buttons, combo boxes, check boxes;
✓ Encryption and password protection for generated PDF documents;
✓ Creating and manipulating tree-like outlines;
✓ Virtual device context (HDC), which can be used to draw on a PDF page using WinAPI functions. Using virtual device context you can easily add PDF generating features to your existing applications;
✓ Using images in different formats (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, GIF);
✓ Creating and using annotations;
✓ Generating a PDF document on disk or in memory (useful for web applications);
✓ Extracting text from PDF documents;
✓ and much much more.

Please send us your comments and ideas for further development of the PDF library.

See PDF Creator Pilot Tutorials to find examples of solving common tasks.


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