How to assign your own sounds to your PC keyboard

If you want to add sounds to your computer keyboard, you can use our software Sound Pilot. The program includes a set of sound schemes that you can change according to your mood. Just right-click the program icon and select “Sound Schemes” from the popup menu:

How to choose sound schemes

Be creative and make your own keyboard sounds

However, you can create your own sound scheme using your own sounds. For this purpose, you need:

  • Sounds in .WAV format;
  • Simple text description file that tells Sound Pilot to which keys should your sounds correspond.

Collect your own sounds

There are many possibilities to collect sound effects. If you are good in recording, you can record voice or use electronic piano and other music instruments for creating sound effects.

Alternatively, you can use free sound archives to collect sounds. For example: or

Then you should eventually edit the downloaded sounds (for example, to get the appropriate length) and save them as .wav. You will need an audio editor program, for example Audacity which is completely free. If you use voice records, you can edit voice using a free online audio editor, such as Free Online Voice Changer.

Assign your sounds to your Keyboard

Now, you should tell Sound Pilot to which keys should your sounds correspond. Sound Pilot has already a text template file that you can use as a base for your own sound scheme. For further information, please visit our page: How to create sound schemes for Sound Pilot.

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